Alice Šrámková | 28.1.2025
Series: New Accounting Act – Part I.Taxes, accounting, law and more. All the key news for your business.
Since December, all types of pensions can now be applied for online, without visiting the office in person. The Internet service “Pension Application Online” has been introduced on the CSSA portal, where all insurance periods and information recorded by the CSSA are automatically loaded to the applicant after electronic identification. Applicants then only need to fill in the missing information and supporting documents. The client can also save an application in progress and return to complete it later.
After sending, they receive a confirmation of receipt of the request and subsequent communication takes place by the preferred method – in paper form, by e-mail or by data box.
The service also includes pre-retirement counselling, where the portal provides applicants with an indicative retirement pension amount after completion. In this way, the pension claimant can see for himself what affects the amount of his pension and find out what the most advantageous option is for him, for example with regard to the date of award of the old-age pension.
The online pension application is a significant step towards digitising the entire office, but due to its complexity it remains possible to request professional help. During December, claimants will be able to request remote assistance through the new service of “making an appointment with a CSSA worker online”. After arranging a specific time, the client logs into the ePortal himself and a CSSA employee provides the necessary support via an online call. For those who prefer to make their application in person, the possibility of appearing in person at any district administration, i.e. no longer only at the one to which the applicant belongs according to his/her place of residence, remains.
The project, which is co-financed by the European Union, is intended to ensure increased efficiency and faster processing of applications for old-age, invalidity and survivors’ pensions. Extensive testing has preceded the service and to ensure a smooth process, clients will be given the opportunity to rate their experience of the service through a satisfaction questionnaire. With regard to the different life situations of each client, the CSSA is prepared to refine and adjust the services in the course of its use.