Alice Šrámková | 28.1.2025
Series: New Accounting Act – Part I.Taxes, accounting, law and more. All the key news for your business.
As the Czech Republic has been hit by floods from 13 September, lawmakers have approved aid through emergency legislation for people who cannot work because of the floods due to having to look after their close family. The so-called flood caregiver allowance allows you to receive support to take care of your loved ones when schools, pre-school or day care centres for children and disabled people are closed.
The flood caregiver allowance will be payable for the duration of the closure of the facility from 13 September 2024, but no later than 31 March 2025. The standard amount of the caregiver allowance is 60% of the reduced daily assessment base for each calendar day of care.
In order to receive the flood caregiver allowance, you must fill in a special form available on the ePortal of the Czech Social Security Administration. The employee forwards the original form to his/her employer (electronically by e-mail, physically), who then attaches the employee’s request to a separate form “Employer's records for the application for child/other person caregiver allowance for a calendar month due to flooding (valid for the period 13 September 2024 – 31 March 2025)” and sends it electronically to the relevant contact point of the Czech Social Security Administration.
A self-employed person can submit the form via his/her data box, via the ePortal, by e-mail (electronic signature required) or physically by post.